1963 - "In Stitches"

This is a situation that occurred in Fr. Warren’s speech class… One morning we all went in our black suits and ties over to OMSB for a friar's funeral. It was a very somber affair and all the friars had their hoods up, which I don't remember seeing very often. After the Mass we filed behind them into the cave-like mausoleum in the old cemetery and the friars all filed past the casket.
Afterwards, we returned to our classes at SAS, still in our dark suits;  and I had to present a "humorous speech" in Fr. Warren's speech class! I unbuttoned and took off my suit coat, and headed up the aisle to the front. No one was in a very humorous mood because of the funeral, but just seconds into my speech, the guys began laughing and looking around, with some even pointing in my direction.
 I was very surprised that my speech was getting laughs, and that the guys seemed to like it! Well, when I was done, Fr. Warren told me that, while he didn’t have to worry about it in his habit, the general rule for men giving speeches is to "check and make sure their fly is zipped up before getting up to talk!" 
Yes, my zipper was wide open and the tail of my white shirt was hanging out of it!!!!
Maybe I told them it was just part of the act!  Kevin B. ‘65
